Portland Retro Gaming Expo, Oregon - October 14, 15 - Chips Toys

Portland Retro Gaming Expo, Oregon - October 14, 15 - Chips Toys

Chips Toys is excited to announce that we'll be attending the Portland Retro Gaming Expo from October 14-15, 2023. The Portland Retro Gaming Expo is a celebration of classic video games and systems, and we can't wait to bring our unique video-game-based cat toys to this fun event. The Retro Gaming Expo has been running since 2006, and in that time, it has grown into a must-attend event for gamers of all ages.

At the Chips Toys booth, we'll be featuring a special selection of cat toys inspired by retro video games. Our "Video Game Controller" cat toy has been a big hit at previous events, and we'll have plenty of them on hand for all the cat enthusiasts who stop by our booth. In addition, we'll have a variety of other felt cat toys, all handmade with love and care.

We think the Portland Retro Gaming Expo is the perfect event for us to showcase our love of both cats AND retro video games. It's going to be a fun weekend filled with 8-bit buddies! Remember to visit Chips Toys' booth to check out all of our cool video game cat toys!

In the meantime, we'll be working hard in our cat-toy workshop studio to create even more amazing cat toys inspired by classic video games. We believe that cats and retro gaming go together like Mario and Luigi, and we're always excited to come up with new designs and ideas. We can't wait to share our latest creations with all of you at the Portland Retro Gaming Expo.

If you're a fan of cats, retro video games, or BOTH, be sure to mark your calendars for October 13, 14, and 15 so that you can come visit the Portland Retro Gaming Expo and see Chips Toys' cat-toy selection in person!

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